40. Systematic, high-throughput characterization of bacteriophage gene essentiality on diverse hosts
Chen J, Nilsen ED, Chitboonthavisuk C, Mo CY, Raman S
Alexander L, Khalid S, Gallego-Lopez G, Astmann T, Oh JH, Heggen M, Huss P, Fisher R, Mukherjee A, Raman S, In Young Choi, Smith M, Rogers C, Epperly M, Knoll L, Greenberger J, and van Pijkeren JP
Applied Environmental Microbiology, 90, 11, 2024
38. High-throughput approaches to understand, inhibit, and engineer membrane transporters
Miller ST, Macdonald CB, Raman S
37. Systematic genome-wide discovery of host factors governing bacteriophage infectivity
Chitboonthavisuk C, Martin C, Huss P, Peters JM, Anantharaman K, Raman S
36. Highly multiplexed design of an allosteric transcription factor to sense novel ligands
Nishikawa KK, Chen J, Acheson JF, Harbaugh SV, Huss P, Frenkel M, Novy N, Sieran HR, Lodewyk EC, Lee DH, Chavez JL, Fox BG, Raman S
Nature Communications, 15, 2024
35. Discovering genetic mechanisms and controlling cell states at scale
Frenkel M, Raman S
Trends in Genetics, 40, 587, 2024
34. Bacteriophage-host interactions in microgravity onboard the International Space Station
Huss P, Chitboonthavisuk C, Meger A, Nishikawa K, Oates RP, Mills H, Holzhaus O, Raman S
33. Discovering chromatin dysregulation induced by protein-coding perturbations at scale
Frenkel M, Corban J, Hujoel MLA, Morris Z, Raman S
Nature Biotechnology, doi: 10.1038/s41587-024-02347-4, 2024
Liu Z, Gillis T, Raman S, Cui Q
eLife, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.92262.2
31. Computation-guided redesign of promoter specificity of a bacterial RNA polymerase
Liu X, Meger AT, Gillis TG, Raman S
30. Deep metagenomic mining reveals bacteriophage sequence motifs driving host specificity
Huss P, Kieft K, Meger A, Nishikawa K, Anantharaman K, Raman S
29. Rugged fitness landscapes minimize promiscuity in the evolution of transcriptional repressors
Meger AT*, Spence MA*, Sandhu M, Jackson CJ, Raman S
Cell Systems, 15, 374-387, 2024
28. High-throughput approaches to understand and engineer bacteriophages
Huss P*, Chen J*, Raman S
Trends in Biochemical Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tibs.2022.08.012, 2022
Leander M*, Liu Z*, Cui Q, Raman S
eLife https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.79932, 2022
26. Engineering a dynamic, controllable infectivity switch in bacteriophage T7
Chitboonthavisuk C, Luo CH, Huss P, Fernholz M, Raman S
ACS Synthetic Biology, 11, 286-296, 2022
25. Virus-associated organosulfur metabolism in humans and environmental systems
Kieft K, Breister AM, Huss P, Linz AM, Zanetakos E, Zhou Z, Rahlff J, Esser SP, Probst AJ, Raman S,
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Cell Reports, 36, 109471, 2021
24. Epistasis shapes the fitness landscape of an allosteric specificity switch
Nishikawa KK, Hoppe N, Smith R, Bingman C, Raman S
Nature Communications, 12, 5562, 2021
Huss P, Meger A, Leander M, Nishikawa K, Raman S
eLife, DOI:10.7554/eLife.63775, 2021
22. Computation-guided design of split protein systems
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21. Functional plasticity and evolutionary adaptation of allosteric regulation
Leander M, Yuan Y, Meger AT, Cui Q, Raman S
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 25445-54, 2020
20. Engineered bacteriophages as programmable biocontrol agents
Huss P, Raman S
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2019, 61, 116-121
19. Design of a transcriptional biosensor for the portable, on-demand detection of cyanuric acid
Liu X, Silverman AD, Alam KK, Iverson E, Lucks JB, Jewett MC, Raman S
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18. De novo design of programmable inducible promoters
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17. A regulatory NADH/NAD+ redox biosensor for bacteria.
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16. Systems Approaches to Understanding and Designing Allosteric Proteins
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15. What is the role of circuit design in the advancement of synthetic biology?
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14. Engineering an allosteric transcription factor to respond to new ligands
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13. Biosensors enable precise user-control of gene expression and real-time monitoring of intracellular metabolites
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12. Evolution-guided optimization of biosynthetic pathways
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11. Engineering allostery
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10. Fully automated high-quality NMR structure determination of small (2)H-enriched proteins
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9. NMR structure determination for larger proteins using backbone-only data
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7. Improving physical realism, stereochemistry, and side-chain accuracy in homology modeling: Four approaches that performed well in CASP8
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De Novo Design of Allosteric Protein Sensors, 2021
Church GM, Raman S, Taylor ND
Methods of designing programmable inducible promoters, 2018
Raman S, Ansari AZ, Liu X, Rodriguez-Martinez JA
Ratiometric biosensor to measure intracellular NADH/NAD+ redox, 2019
Raman S, Liu Y, Landick R
Sensor for cyanuric acid detection, 2021
Raman S, Liu X
Methods of making unbiased phage libraries, 2022
Raman S, Huss P